Friday, June 20, 2008

get. shit. done.

even though we've been living here for two years, we're finally getting some serious shit done. i'm definitely going to earn my making a house a home merit badge.
this weekend: organize the fucking shoes, clean the closet, and get some kitchen paint going! it will definitely be "direct green". and we have to do all sorts of other house stuff too because monday morning electricians are coming out to tear shit up. they'll be going into the attic through our closet, cutting off the power for about 12 hours, adding new and amazing outlets, adding a LIGHT to the CLOSET (what a novel idea, right?!), adding an additional light to the bathroom (the cave, as i like to call it), adding another lightswitch to the bathroom so we're no longer at risk of shocking ourselves when getting out of the shower (who knew!), and breaking the light fixture in the bathroom so we can get a new and better looking one. WOO!
and oh yeah, saturday night is all about getting strong drinks at the museum.

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