Friday, October 10, 2008


i never got ally's sugar cookie recipe

food photos

i made a german chocolate cake for an office birthday but couldn't stand to cover it in that gooey gloppy sticky coconut mess. so instead i iced it in ganache, covered the sides in toasted coconut, and topped it with "german chocolate strawberries."

it was a fun, quick cake and i got some pretty pictures out of it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

let's lighten it up!

this tote over at uppercase makes me smile. plain, simple, perfect.

i would like to punch something

life feels pretty shitty right now. myla won't stop peeing at the bottom of the stairs, no matter how many times i clean it or spray it. the new job fell through; they laid off so many people as a quick fix (i had orientation saturday, got laid off wednesday). the Old Job offered me a new job with them. i accepted, but i'm not 100% on it. there are people and things i don't completely agree with there, but i'll be working more one-on-one with one of my favorite people. the house is an out-of-control mess. i wish there was a bailout on student loans, i feel pretty hopeless on that one. i need to do laundry, but i need kenton and his car for that. i miss being able to get things done, feeling like i accomplished anything.
i need to go clean some cat pee now...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008